Rebecca Brent – St. Joseph School-Cockeysville
Students at Saint Joseph School will soon have a new STEM enrichment project to enhance and compliment our newly launched Science curriculum implemented with HMH Science Dimensions because of the generosity of BGE, an Exelon Company. This “Safety Saves The Day!” comic strip challenge offered more than 95% of our student population the opportunity to learn about safe practices of Natural Gas. We embrace this opportunity to enhance our Science curriculum by providing a STEM program. This STEM program would include teacher training, resources, activities and materials for ROBOTics, 3D printing, Makerspace, coding K’nex materials, snap circuits, and a STEM kit.
The objectives of our STEM learning curriculum are
. to increase students’ academic engagement and achievement
. to increase students’ knowledge and desire to pursue the science-related fields
. to prepare students to be digital citizens
If awarded this generous grant from BGE, an Exelon Company, St. Joseph School will be able to purchase the needed materials to create a Makerspace room, supply the materials for coding K’nex, snap circuits and a STEM kit. We will have the opportunity to utilize our newly purchased 3D printer.
A STEM learning opportunity will expand on our students’ prior knowledge and reinforce what they are learning in class. This project will expose our students to Science and other STEM disciplines at an earlier age, which will increase the likelihood of them studying or working in a STEM-related field later in life.
By engaging with our community in a deliberate manner of program delivery, which begins with the installation of the Science STEM curriculum, and by working closely with teachers we endeavor to successfully expand student knowledge of the Science where Technology and Science meets with creativity and innovation.