Cynthia Ford – Fountain Green Elementary School
At Fountain Green Elementary School, we are always striving to be up to date on technology and give our students opportunities to utilize technology. Our fifth grade students are the only grade level that have enough laptops to support a 1 to 1 ratio. Fourth grade students currently have enough for a 2 to 1 ratio, while K-3 have one laptop cart per grade level. In Unified Arts classes, students are able to be actively involved in lessons through programs like ActivInspire, Classflow, and Smartmusic. These programs allow students to answer questions, create projects, and interact actively with the lesson. Currently, students will share tablets when they come to class. While the shared laptops are a great resource for students, they would be able to participate more actively if there was a laptop available for each individual student. Unified arts is a great way for students to cultivate self-expression through music, art, physical education, and media that can be enhanced using technology. If we were to win prize money through the BGE Wires Down Contest, we would use that money to buy more laptops so that students have more opportunities to use laptops and online educational resources in both their regular classrooms and the Unified Arts classrooms.